Кто поймет - тот поймет
[ 2010.11.26 18:39:20 ] Erick Odin > chavs
[ 2010.11.26 18:41:31 ] Erick Odin > even the great chavs have to hauls mineralz huh that's cool
[ 2010.11.26 18:49:33 ] Erick Odin > is the ch in chavs soft or hard? cherry or chevrolet?
[ 2010.11.26 18:50:05 ] Travishi > they soft.. definatly soft
[ 2010.11.26 18:51:05 ] Erick Odin > for some reason I think of chia pet - ch ch ch chavs
[ 2010.11.26 18:51:23 ] Travishi > hehe nice
[ 2010.11.26 18:51:48 ] Texman > love you
[ 2010.11.26 18:51:51 ] Ambrase > in Russia are now on the TV final Fights bears on the balalaika. all while AFK.
[ 2010.11.26 18:52:58 ] Takeshi Taro > confirm!
[ 2010.11.26 18:53:03 ] Mister Spok > i have to take my polar bear for a walk, he needs to eat so i just find some bum and... you know
[ 2010.11.26 18:54:41 ] Mister Spok > and then, before i go to sleep, i'll give my prairs to Lenin and Father Stalin
[ 2010.11.26 18:54:52 ] Travishi > lol
[ 2010.11.26 18:54:57 ] Erick Odin > chavs are russians?
[ 2010.11.26 18:55:07 ] Mister Spok > soviet
[ 2010.11.26 18:55:09 ] Erick Odin > if so, you don't understand my chia pet joke.
[ 2010.11.26 18:55:16 ] Mister Spok > nope
[ 2010.11.26 18:55:16 ] Ambrase > no, Marsians
[ 2010.11.26 18:55:31 ] Travishi > they prolly uzbeks or some shit
[ 2010.11.26 18:56:57 ] Roy Johns > Kazahnatanian
[ 2010.11.26 18:57:39 ] Mister Spok > and you probably some germans or other shit?
[ 2010.11.26 18:57:58 ] War spirit > 大家好谁在这个聊天!
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:08 ] Travishi > yeah.. german or other shit
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:31 ] Erick Odin > whatever you are, to me you are just dirty chavs
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:32 ] War spirit > 怎么是你?
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:38 ] Travishi > lol
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:45 ] Mister Spok > there is a word for your kind in russian
[ 2010.11.26 18:58:56 ] Roy Johns > 怎么是你 怎么是你!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ 2010.11.26 18:59:10 ] Erick Odin > boxes?
[ 2010.11.26 18:59:14 ] Mister Spok > pronounced like "burzhui"
[ 2010.11.26 18:59:21 ] War spirit > 我不明白你!写在正常的语言!
[ 2010.11.26 18:59:26 ] Mister Spok > or "pindos"
[ 2010.11.26 19:00:04 ] Travishi > i thouhg tyou were gonna say удивительными
[ 2010.11.26 19:00:36 ] Mister Spok > copypaste and google ) pretty dumb
[ 2010.11.26 19:01:28 ] Mister Spok > doesn't it seem strange to you that i know your language? even in this basic level?
[ 2010.11.26 19:01:47 ] Travishi > no, english is the dominant languange inthe world
[ 2010.11.26 19:02:03 ] Mister Spok > we are supposed to learn the language of uor supposed enemy in school )
[ 2010.11.26 19:02:05 ] Travishi > it only means you have learn OUR language.. note that i dont know a lick of russian
[ 2010.11.26 19:02:45 ] Mister Spok > it doesn't make you better anyway
[ 2010.11.26 19:02:50 ] Ambrase > 10010100011011001100110101010010010110001010101010100 Death of a man!
[ 2010.11.26 19:03:10 ] Ambrase > Смерть человекам!!!!
[ 2010.11.26 19:03:14 ] Mister Spok > i know 3 languages, you - barely one )
[ 2010.11.26 19:03:28 ] Travishi > lol
[ 2010.11.26 19:03:41 ] Travishi > i know relevant languages
[ 2010.11.26 19:03:52 ] Texman > I love people!
[ 2010.11.26 19:04:27 ] Mister Spok > i hate people
[ 2010.11.26 19:04:43 ] Mister Spok > i'm bad ass russian sociopath
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:00 ] Mister Spok > misantrope
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:05 ] Erick Odin > ch ch ch chav
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:07 ] Mister Spok > MWAHAHAHA!
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:09 ] Texman > again this russki (
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:21 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > i really can't believe you are bragging about how many languages you know.
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:54 ] Mister Spok > it's not bragging, it's a fact
[ 2010.11.26 19:05:54 ] Erick Odin > so I hear you guys are doing some nice bombing on behalf of our mutual friends. good job. you're still dirty chavs.
[ 2010.11.26 19:06:31 ] Mister Spok > if you hate us - we still have the edge
[ 2010.11.26 19:06:35 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > im euro and i am sure i know more relevant laguages than you do
[ 2010.11.26 19:06:37 ] Texman > thx
[ 2010.11.26 19:06:51 ] Amanda V > I've done some bombing you guys are my heros
[ 2010.11.26 19:07:52 ] Erick Odin > I thought bombs sucked in lag how are you guys pulling it off
[ 2010.11.26 19:08:07 ] Lanaya Dorin > street magic
[ 2010.11.26 19:08:33 ] Mister Spok > there is a term in russian language, that have no analogue in yours
[ 2010.11.26 19:08:44 ] Mister Spok > google - смекалка
[ 2010.11.26 19:09:09 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > google this i could give a fuck less about your irrelivent term
[ 2010.11.26 19:09:21 ] Ambrase > Hooray! My idol - Battle Bear "Ledorub" won Battle Bear "Trottsky"! It takes place in the League of Battle of Europe Bears!!!
[ 2010.11.26 19:09:34 ] Ambrase > ole-ole-ole!
[ 2010.11.26 19:09:45 ] Erick Odin > Meet our Diplomat, Grandmaster Gloxx
[ 2010.11.26 19:10:49 ] Mister Spok > короч вы заебали, буржуи херовы желаю вам зла
[ 2010.11.26 19:11:18 ] Texman > we can drive heyvy assolt also! lol
[ 2010.11.26 19:11:46 ] Erick Odin > chavtastic!
[ 2010.11.26 19:11:52 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > babblefish gave me: iamaworthlesposthatthinksitisintrestingtotalkinalanguagethatnobodycaresabout.com
[ 2010.11.26 19:12:05 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > )
[ 2010.11.26 19:12:55 ] Mister Spok > indeed you are, congrats
[ 2010.11.26 19:13:41 ] m1lkyway > missed! me e4 pls
[ 2010.11.26 19:13:42 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > spok was an american
[ 2010.11.26 19:13:58 ] Mister Spok > vulcan
[ 2010.11.26 19:14:21 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > american show with american actor
[ 2010.11.26 19:14:28 ] Mister Spok > Leonard Nimoy - from USA, but definitely NOT an american
[ 2010.11.26 19:14:28 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > vulcans are not real FYI
[ 2010.11.26 19:15:02 ] Mister Spok > oh rly? lol
[ 2010.11.26 19:15:16 ] Mister Spok > bless you! you opened my eyes!
[ 2010.11.26 19:15:24 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > np
[ 2010.11.26 19:15:38 ] Mister Spok > oh ffffuuuu.... vulcans are not real!!!
[ 2010.11.26 19:16:07 ] Mister Spok > AFK, have to shoot myself in a face with my kalashnikov
[ 2010.11.26 19:16:15 ] Mister Spok > drama
[ 2010.11.26 19:16:16 ] Travishi > finally
[ 2010.11.26 19:16:42 ] Mister Spok > friends! take care of my polar bear Petya
[ 2010.11.26 19:16:58 ] Mister Spok > remember to feed him one bum in a day
[ 2010.11.26 19:17:09 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > np we know you are fond of your wife well take good care of her
[ 2010.11.26 19:17:14 ] Erick Odin > so a chav then?
[ 2010.11.26 19:19:19 ] Erick Odin > bring that titan to the station I will destroy it
[ 2010.11.26 19:19:48 ] Erick Odin > with my coercer
[ 2010.11.26 19:20:23 ] Grandmaster Gloxx > hes dont it before ive seen it
[ 2010.11.26 19:20:39 ] Erick Odin > he is chicken I will take it down