Новый таргет пейнтер для хайслота:
[+] Reverb Advanced Target Painter
[+|y] ewTargetPaint
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 30.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 25.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] falloff: 60000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxRange: 30000.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 19921.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] signatureRadiusBonus: 30.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and Hit. The reverb version is an enhanced rehash of ancient tech, providing the same benefit as a regular tech 2 target painter, but with different fitting settings.
Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
[+] Salvage Drone I
[+|n] mining
[+] armorHP: 40.0
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] capacitorCapacity: 1.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] damageMultiplier: 1.0
[+] droneBandwidthUsed: 10.0
[+] duration: 60000.0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] hp: 60.0
[+] incapacitationRatio: 0.75
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 8.0
[+] maxRange: 5000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 250.0
[+] miningAmount: 30.0
[+] orbitRange: 200.0
[+] proximityRange: 250.0
[+] rechargeRate: 2500000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3438.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3386.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 2.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 1.0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 1.0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 1.0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 1.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 60.0
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 250000.0
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] signatureRadius: 25.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] uniformity: 0.75
[+] volume: 10.0
The salvage drone can salvage wrecks for valuables.